A Faith-Based Response to COVID-19/Coronavirus

The guidance from public health officials is changing by the hour. Yet our call as Christians is clear: We are called to love our neighbor, and right now, one of the best ways we can do that is to help slow the spread of the coronavirus.

The apostle Paul, who built the Christian movement, rooted in love, against enormous odds and continual threats of violence reminds us constantly of our transcendent unity in the One who loves us more than we can ask or imagine, Jesus Christ.

Be safe. Call the lonely. Extend the help you can. Receive the help you need. And rejoice in the love that surrounds you.

Beginning Sunday, June 13, 2021, the following diocesan worship guidelines should be followed. These guidelines supersede all previous guidance:
  • Vaccinated persons may worship indoors without a mask
  • Masks are required for indoor worship for unvaccinated persons
  • Only vaccinated persons may sing indoors, whether in choir or congregation
  • Unvaccinated persons are to maintain 3′ social distancing

Know the Facts

accelerateSC has compiled various resources across state agencies. SC DHEC (great resource to stay informed on how South Carolina is responding to COVID-19)

Center for Disease Control (CDC) / Spanish World Health Organization (WHO)

Updates, Pastoral Letters, and Directives

May 19, 2021
Pastoral update on EDUSC Covid Guidelines May 14, 2021
Additional Update on Worship in EDUSC May 12, 2021
Update on Worship in EDUSC December 14, 2020
Revised Guidelines with diminished indoor worship capacity August 11, 2020
Revised Guidelines for Worship and Gatherings in Time of Pandemic July 29, 2020
Phase One Guidance extended through August 31. Congregations encouraged to explore outdoor, in-person worship opportunities.
June 29, 2020
Phase One Guidance extended through July 31. Congregations encouraged to explore outdoor, in-person worship opportunities. June 11, 2020
Phase One Guidance extended through June 30
June 3, 2020
Phase One Guidance extended through June 15
Proposed Guidelines for Baptism
May 15, 2020
Guidelines for Reopening In-Person Worship May 1, 2020
Read Bishop Waldo’s latest update on in-person worship April 16, 2020
Read Bishop Waldo’s latest pastoral letter April 2, 2020
Read Bishop Waldo’s latest pastoral letter
CPG announces additional support for congregations April1, 2020
Information on the CARES Act and other potential financial support for congregations March 31, 2020
Bishop Waldo has issued the following guidance for Holy Week worship March 28, 2020
We have put together a list of parishes within the diocese that are live-streaming/recording services March 27
Read Bishop Waldo’s updated guidance limiting participants in recording of worship March 19, 2020
Suspension of Public Worship Extended March 16, 2020
Suspension of Public Worship March 14, 2020
We will be hosting a webinar Monday morning, COVID-19: A Missional Response. March 13, 2020
The following Pastoral Letter was issued by Bishop Waldo. March 12, 2020
Still Hopes Episcopal Retirement Community has issued the following letter to residents and families. Clergy with parishioners at Still Hopes should be aware of these new policies. March 11, 2020
The following update was issued by Bishop Waldo. March 2, 2020
Click here for a PDF version of Bishop Waldo’s pastoral letter.

Financial Support for Congregations

Administrators across The Episcopal Church are reporting that lenders are insistent that non-profits, especially churches are not eligible to apply for The Cares Act funding. It may be helpful to provide your bank with the following related to the program.

Paycheck Protection Program FAQs for Small Businesses

“You are eligible for a loan if you are a small business that employs 500 employees or fewer, or if your business is in an industry that has an employee-based size standard through SBA that is higher than 500 employees. In addition, if you are a restaurant, hotel, or a business that falls within the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code 72, “Accommodation and Food Services,” and each of your locations has 500 employees or fewer, you are eligible. Tribal businesses, 501(c)(19) veteran organizations, and 501(c)(3) nonprofits, including religious organizations, will be eligible for the program. Nonprofit organizations are subject to SBA’s affiliation standards.”.
If you continue to have trouble please contact Canon Hazel.

Click here for the latest information on the CARES Act and other financial support available for congregations.Click here for a spreadsheet designed to help congregations calculate a total loan amount.
Click here for the latest updates from Church Pension Group.How to set up online giving

Resources for Gathering in New Ways

We’ve launched this hub to curate and share resources that will help churches provide opportunities for home-based worship, formation, and community.

gathering-in-new-ways-2_482 gathering-in-new-ways_934 gathering-in-new-ways_918 roundtables_671 pastoral-care_748

Financial Support for Congregations

Administrators across The Episcopal Church are reporting that lenders are insistent that non-profits, especially churches are not eligible to apply for The Cares Act funding. It may be helpful to provide your bank with the following related to the program.

Paycheck Protection Program FAQs for Small Businesses

“You are eligible for a loan if you are a small business that employs 500 employees or fewer, or if your business is in an industry that has an employee-based size standard through SBA that is higher than 500 employees. In addition, if you are a restaurant, hotel, or a business that falls within the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code 72, “Accommodation and Food Services,” and each of your locations has 500 employees or fewer, you are eligible. Tribal businesses, 501(c)(19) veteran organizations, and 501(c)(3) nonprofits, including religious organizations, will be eligible for the program. Nonprofit organizations are subject to SBA’s affiliation standards.”.
If you continue to have trouble please contact Canon Hazel.

Click here for the latest information on the CARES Act and other financial support available for congregations.Click here for a spreadsheet designed to help congregations calculate a total loan amount.
Click here for the latest updates from Church Pension Group.How to set up online giving

Resources for Gathering in New Ways

We’ve launched this hub to curate and share resources that will help churches provide opportunities for home-based worship, formation, and community.

gathering-in-new-ways-2_482 gathering-in-new-ways_934 gathering-in-new-ways_918 roundtables_671 pastoral-care_748