COVID-19/Coronavirus update for March 11, 2020

With the constantly evolving nature of COVID-19/Coronavirus, Diocesan House staff is monitoring the latest updates and will communicate all necessary information throughout the diocese. The latest information can be found on our website here:

This week Bishop Waldo is participating in online meetings with the House of Bishops. Yesterday they heard from leaders in the medical community and Episcopal Relief & Development. Following the advice shared, Bishop Waldo wanted to communicate the following information regarding our common life:

Use of the common cup is still allowed in the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina.

  • Clergy and all ministers must wash hands before the service and should use hand-sanitizer before the distribution of Holy Eucharist. Anyone who handles the bread or chalice must observe this protocol, including members of the Altar Guild.
  • Consider fasting from coffee hour for the remainder of Lent. It’s appropriate, and helps slow the spread of germs from food that is handled by many people.
  • If you need to serve food, please ban self-service buffets and have all food served in individual containers, or by food servers wearing gloves. Do not allow other people to handle the serving pieces.
  • Wash all dishes in a dishwasher, rather than by hand, as the water heats to higher temperatures and the dishwasher cleans more thoroughly. Use paper goods if you do not have a dishwasher in the church.
  • Clergy and ministers should ensure appropriate safeguards are in place while administering the chalice, including wiping the interior and exterior rim of the chalice between communicants, use of care to rotate the cloth during use, and use of a clean cloth for each service.

The practice of Intinction should stop (either by minister or communicant), effective immediately and until further notice.

The Peace should be expressed without shaking hands. Clergy and laity should refrain from shaking hands before or after services.

Do not pass offering plates. Rather, offering plates should be placed in stationary locations for people to place their gifts.

Live-streaming worship
Congregations should consider online platforms that may be useful if physically gathering becomes impossible for a time, or to enable at-risk congregants to worship from home. Facebook Live. Contact Canon Bentrup to discuss possible options for live-streaming, and more information is here:

Cleaning of Surfaces

  • Before worship, go over door handles, pew tops, restroom handles, locks, and faucets, and importantly, the altar rail with cloths and a sanitizing cleanser.
  • Repeat the cleaning of high-traffic areas after each worship service.

Coffee Hour and Food Service

  • Consider fasting from coffee hour for the remainder of Lent. It’s appropriate, and helps slow the spread of germs from food that is handled by many people.
  • If you need to serve food, please ban self-service buffets and have all food served in individual containers, or by food servers wearing gloves. Do not allow other people to handle the serving pieces.
  • Wash all dishes in a dishwasher, rather than by hand, as the water heats to higher temperatures and the dishwasher cleans more thoroughly. Use paper goods if you do not have a dishwasher in the church.