Nominating Committee Update on the Bishop Search

Grace to you and peace from the members of the Bishop’s Nominating Committee for the Ninth Bishop of the Diocese of Upper South Carolina.
Since being appointed by the Standing Committee following Bishop Waldo’s resignation, the Nominating Committee has been meeting regularly. Our work has included the development and distribution of a survey, which opened on October 17th, and sought your input about what our diocese is called to be in the future and the Bishop who will help guide us there. To include as many voices as possible, including clergy and those under 40 years of age who were underrepresented in responses, the survey remained open for 9 days beyond the initial deadline of October 31st. Additionally, we hoped that extending the deadline through the Sunday following Diocesan Convention would allow clergy a last opportunity to encourage participation by their congregations. When the survey closed on November 9th, over 1,100 responses had been submitted. Thank you for your participation! The results of the survey will be shared with you as well as with those discerning a call to be our next Bishop. Along with the Diocesan Profile, the results of the survey will be published in December per the Bishop Search Timeline.
Between now and December we will be hard at work compiling the Diocesan Profile to include the priorities you provided us with in your survey responses. Please continue to pray for the Nominating Committee and the search for the Ninth Bishop of the Diocese of Upper South Carolina.
If you have any questions about the search process, please reach out to us at [email protected].
Yours in Christ,
Ms. Melissa Langford, Co-Chair | The Rev. Grant B Wiseman, Co-Chair |
The Rev. Scotty Brock | Ms. Susan Pretulak |
Mr. John Cantey | The Rev. Patricia Sexton |
Ms. Shawn Dunham | Mr. West Summers |
The Rev. Charles Jenkins | Ms. Corliss Wise |
The Rev. Mia McDowell | The Rev. Raphiell Ashford, Alternate |
Mr. Larry Moore | Ms. Lillian Hardaway, Alternate |