Who Is My Neighbor?

“Who Is My Neighbor?”, is a four-part Lenten Series beginning Sunday, March 10 at 4:00 p.m. sponsored by St. John’s Episcopal Church, 301 W. Liberty St., Winnsboro, SC. Speakers from the Episcopal, Jewish, Muslim and Greek Orthodox faiths will offer insights and observations about their faith and how love is the starting point for interfaith dialogue.
Martin Buber, believed “that religious dialogue was all about meeting the other in an I/thou encounter. No intention to change the other or make him/her over in my image”. Zeenat Rahman in The Hijabi Monologues said that “sharing our stories is the most important thing we can do to get to know one another.” With love as the common thread to each of these faiths, join Rev. Canon Alan Bentrup (pictured below) of the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina as he opens the series Sunday, March 10.
The March 10 presentation will be followed by Rabbi Eric Mollo of Tree of Life Synagogue, Columbia, SC on March 17. Omar Shaheed, Resident Imam of Masjid As-Salaam, Columbia, SC will speak on March 24. The series will end on March 31 with Rev. Fr. Michael A. Platanis, Cathederal Dean of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, Columbia, SC. We hope you will be inspired, challenged or transformed by an encounter with another religious tradition.
A reception hosted by the Episcopal Church Women of St. John’s will follow offering an additional opportunity to meet and share with one another. The events are free and open to the public.