The Discipline of Hope – Evangelism Matters 2021

Join us for this free, innovative, digital experience for those seeking to share, learn, and grow their own and the Church’s capacity and passion for evangelism.

This spring’s Evangelism Matters conference invites you to turn off your computer screen and “tune in” for an audioconference, featuring podcast-style talks on the opportunities and challenges of evangelism today.

Podcast episodes will feature speakers including Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, Bishop Robert Wright of Atlanta, Dr. Lisa Kimball of Virginia Theological Seminary, the Rev. Bao Moua of Holy Apostles Church in St. Paul, Minn., Miriam McKenney and Scott Gunn of Forward Movement, and many more.

Starting April 12, all sessions of Evangelism Matters 2021: The Discipline of Hope, will be live and available for listening.

Upon registration, you will receive a link to subscribe to our podcast feed and an invitation to six Zoom coffee hours in April and May, featuring Evangelism Matters 2021 presenters. To listen to each session, you will need to have access to a podcasting app like Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts.

Registration Deadline: April 5, 2021

Coffee Hour Dates: Sessions will be held Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. Eastern. These will be moderated conversations held live on Zoom.

April 15 Called as Evangelists for Such a Time as This with the Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers (The Episcopal Church), the Rt. Rev. Rafael Morales (Episcopal Diocese of Puerto Rico), and the Rev. Bao Moua (Holy Apostles Episcopal Church, St. Paul, Minn.).

April 22 – Be Evangelists of Hope with Bishop Rob Wright (Diocese of Atlanta), Jerusalem Greer (The Episcopal Church) and the Rev. Debbie Phillips (Grace, Salem, MA).

April 29 – I Love Jesus! with Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry (The Episcopal Church) the Rev. Canon Marcus Halley (Episcopal Church in Connecticut), and the Rev. Kerlin Richter (Saint David’s of Whales, Portland, OR).

May 6 – The Importance of Being a Disciple with the Rev. Scott Gunn of Forward Movement, Miriam McKenney of the Diocese of Southern Ohio, and Rebecca Hall of The Abbey, Austin, Texas.

May 13 – Baptismal Identity & Evangelism with the Rt. Rev. Deon Johnson (Episcopal Diocese of Missouri), Dr. Lisa Kimball (Virginia Theological Seminary), and the Rev. Dr. Melissa Hartley (The University of the South).

May 20 – Shared Ministry: An Evangelistic Model for Leadership with Canon Jane Cisluycis (Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan), the Rev. Katie Rengers (The Episcopal Church) and Tracey Herzer (Diocese of Lexington).

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jerusalem Greer.