Diocesan House staffing updates

23 June 2021
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Among the events common with episcopal transitions are diocesan staff members discerning God’s next call in their lives. Two of our treasured Canon Staff members, Canon Alan Bentrup and Canon Jimmy Hartley have both been called to new service in the Church. Alan has been called to serve as Rector of St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields, Keller, Texas, ending his service on Diocesan staff effective 31 July. Jimmy will be joining the Trinity Cathedral staff as Canon Pastor, ending his service on Diocesan staff effective 1 August.
It is difficult to convey how deeply I have valued, enjoyed and been honored by serving with both Alan and Jimmy. Each has offered his unique and manifold gifts and faithfulness in the service of the congregations of this Diocese and its vision to make, equip and send mature disciples of Jesus Christ. Each has brought insight and prayerful wisdom to efforts within and beyond Diocesan House, helping all of us grow more deeply into the servants Christ calls us to become for one another.
I am grateful and pleased for Alan in his call to serve as Rector, and assure him of our prayers and best wishes in his new call. Jimmy will be just a shout across the courtyard from his old office, so we’ll all continue to enjoy his presence among us. His pastoral gifts will be a great contribution to the common life of the Trinity community, and our prayers and best wishes go with him, too.
Included at the bottom of this message are links to additional letters to you from Alan and Jimmy expressing their gratitude for you and their service on Diocesan staff.
As we move forward in Diocesan ministry, Canon Hazel and the entire Diocesan staff have been equipped for this transition, and we ask for your patience as we continue to do our best to ensure that your questions and needs are promptly addressed.
Please join me in congratulating Canons Hartley and Bentrup and wishing them Godspeed and abundant gratitude for their life and ministry among us these past years.
In Christ,
The Rt. Rev. W. Andrew Waldo
The Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina
Click here to download a PDF version of this letter