From Many, One: Conversations Across Difference

“Conversation with others across difference is not just a nice thing to do.
It is a spiritual practice of love in action.”
– Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
From Many, One: Conversations Across Difference is a campaign inviting Episcopalians and our neighbors to engage in one-to-one listening and sharing across the many differences that separate us. The conversations center on four questions: What do you love? What have you lost? Where does it hurt? What do you dream?
Echoing the Latin phrase on the U.S. seal – E Pluribus (“from many”) Unum (“one”) – and following in the footsteps of Jesus, we trust that the spiritual practice of conversation across difference can help to knit us all into a diverse, more perfect union.
Explore these pages to find information on how to engage with From Many, One: Conversations Across Difference. You can find explanations for each of the questions, suggestions on going deeper, and additional resources to keep your conversations going.
Don’t forget to sign up for updates on From Many, One. Watch the videos. Invite a partner. Have the conversation. Pray. Join in deeper conversation, learning and action. Help to form God’s beloved community.
How do I engage?
- Explore the guide. (download the guide here)
- Reflect personally on The Four Questions.
- Watch videos of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and other leaders modeling brief, one-to-one conversations using The Four Questions (starting January 18 and rolling out every other week).
- Explore the Resources to learn about conversation as a spiritual practice, set up your own conversations, and reflect well afterward.
- Sign up here and set a conversations goal.
- Have the conversation.
- Pray for your partner after the conversation.
- Repeat with new partners.
- Contribute to the “From Many, One” story space with a poem, prayer, reflection, or image inspired by your conversation(s), or with video/audio highlights or reflections (with your partner’s permission).
- Participate in related efforts to take the learning, listening, and action further (see options under Keep the Conversation Going). And celebrate the campaign during Easter 2021 in a churchwide virtual gathering.