Last fall, Episcopal Relief & Development launched a $3 million grass-roots, church-wide fund-raising campaign dedicated to improving the lives of children up to age six.
ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE seeks to help communities nurture children to their full potential. Research shows that the first 1,000 days of a child’s life are critical in setting a foundation that affects their ability to grow, learn, and thrive their entire lives. Around the world, 155 million children under five are stunted due to inadequate nutrition and health care.
The program benefits children and their families through:
- Bringing positive changes to children’s lives by creating economic stability;
- Nurturing healthy children through improving food and nutrition, protecting health and preventing diseases, empowering parents and protecting families
- Helping children achieve their full potential by providing access to clean water, hygiene, sanitation and reducing impact of disasters and building resilience.
The program launched on September 4, 2019, and will conclude 1,000 days later on May 31, 2022. So today, we’ve got two years left.
Episcopal Relief and Development invites individuals, congregations, and dioceses to join ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE by learning more about the campaign, sharing words about the campaign through social media, peer-to-peer fundraising, and other creative campaign activities, and giving as individuals or congregations to help expand the Episcopal Relief and Development’s work with children.
One way to get started is by participating in their Acts of Love BINGO! Click here to download a BINGO card and start marking off the acts of love in which you and your family are participating.
Learn more, donate, or set up your own fundraising campaign here: