Jessica St. Clair Smith

Director of Communications and Marketing

The Venerable Janey Wilson

(803) 771-7800, ext. 113

Dana Lindsey

Executive Assistant to the Bishop
(803) 771-7800 ext. 102

The Reverend Canon Stephen J. Rhoades

Canon to the Ordinary

Chanda Kelly

Chief Financial Officer
803-771-7800, ext. 109

The Reverend Susan Heath

Coordinator, Fellowship of South Carolina Bishops' Public Education Initiative
803.771.7800 x 108

Frank Ballard

Diocesan Officer for Records and Liturgy
803.771.7800, ext. 106

Cynthia Hendrix

​Diocesan Officer for Health Benefits and Accounts Payable
803.771.7800, ext. 112

The Right Reverend Daniel P. Richards

IX Bishop of the Diocese of Upper South Carolina
803.771.7800, ext. 102