Standing Committee

The affairs of the Diocese are managed by the Bishop of the Diocese and The Standing Committee. In accordance with the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church and The Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina The Standing Committee’s responsibilities are as follows:

To be the Standing Committee of the Diocese in accordance with the requirements of the TEC Constitution and Canons, and the Constitution and Canons of this Diocese.

  • To be a council of advice to the Bishop. As such, the Bishop may summon the Standing Committee whenever the Bishop shall desire its advice; and the Standing Committee may meet of its own accord pursuant to its own rules when it may be disposed to advise the Bishop;
  • To function as an interim legislative authority of Convention, performing such specific functions as are delegated to it by Convention, the Constitution, and the Canons. Such duties shall include, but not be limited to, administering the business and the budget and financial resources of the Diocese as described in the Statement of Mission described in Title V, Canon 1; provided, however, the Standing Committee shall have no authority to legislate with respect to any matter exclusively reserved by the Constitution and Canons to the legislative authority of Convention;
  • To establish a Department of Finance in accordance with the TEC Constitution and Canons and the Constitution and Canons of this Diocese;
  • To deal with matters relating to real property as required by Title V, Canon 2, Section 2 of these Canons and as required by the TEC Constitution and Canons;
  • To establish a Commission on Ministry in accordance with the TEC Constitution and Canons and the Constitution and Canons of this Diocese comprised of Clergy and Lay persons;
  • To establish an Ecclesiastical Disciplinary Board in accordance with the TEC Constitution and Canons and the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese;
  • To vote on certification of episcopal elections;
  • To certify whether requirements for ordination to the deaconate or the priesthood have been met;
  • To be responsible for continuing long-range planning for the Diocese;
  • To establish such leadership and organizational groups, in consultation with the other members of the Diocesan Executive Council and the Bishop, as deemed necessary or appropriate to carry out the work of the Diocese as set forth in Title IV of the Canons;
  • Upon the failure of a Parish to maintain the conditions for status as a Parish, to approve, on an interim basis, the Ecclesiastical Authority’s placing the Parish in Mission status; provided, however, such action shall be submitted for ratification or reversal to the next immediately succeeding Convention;
  • To carry out such other duties as may be assigned by Convention or required by the TEC Constitution and Canons and the laws of the State of South Carolina;
  • To adopt bylaws to carry out the provisions herein.

Click here to contact the Rev. Rob Brown, President of Standing Committee.

Members of the Standing Committee (2024)

Term Ending in 2024

Dr. Frank Boineau – St. Peter’s, Greenville

The Rev. Caitlyn Keith – St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields, Columbia

The Rev. Sally Franklin – St. Paul’s, Fort Mill (Retired)

Mr. Richard A. Gilliam – Church of the Advent, Spartanburg

(Vice-President of Standing Committee)

The Rev. Jack Hardaway – Grace Church, Anderson

Ms. Jodie Webb – Grace Church, Anderson

Term Ending in 2025

The Rev. Scott Fleischer – Christ Church, Greenville

The Rev. Raphiell Ashford – St. Luke’s, Columbia

The Rev. Deacon Dianna Deaderick – St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields, Columbia

Dr. Norma Nesbitt Givens – Christ Church, Greenville

Ms. Grace Keller – St. Matthew’s, Spartanburg

Ms. Chris Lynn – Church of the Advent, Spartanburg

Term Ending in 2026

The Rev. Rob Brown – St. Matthew’s, Spartanburg

(President of Standing Committee)

The Rev. Beth Hendrix – St. Christopher’s, Spartanburg

(Clerk of Standing Committee)

Mr. John Mitchell Holmes, III – Church of the Advent, Spartanburg

Dr. George S. King, III – St. Thaddeus, Aiken

The Rev. Charles Smith – St. Michael and All Angels

Ms. Karen Whitfield – Church of the Resurrection, Greenwood