Commission on Christian Formation

The Commission on Christian Formation includes oversight of the Diocesan Youth Leadership Committee, Cursillo, Daughters of the King, Youth Ministries, Young Adults Ministries, Canterbury Communities, Happening, Vocare, Education for Ministry and all other Christian formation ministries. It is also the group concerned with the policy for Safe Church.

Desired Results:
  • That each and every congregation of the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina, to the greatest extent possible, is effective at making, equipping and sending mature disciples through Christian Formation.
  • That congregations and institutions form biblically literate communicants who are equipped and sent out into the world to serve Christ not only with their lips but in their lives.
  • That there is a bridge of formation that extends over a person’s lifetime in this Diocese.
  • That the Commission on Christian Formation assists the Bishop in consultation with the Commission on Ministry in establishing the requirements and guidelines for the selection, training, continuing education and deployment of those licensed by the Bishop per Title III, Canon 4, Section 1a of the Canons of The Episcopal Church.
  • The Commission shall engage in an overall formation initiative involving aspects of communication, catechesis, spiritual discernment, as well as opportunities for transformational experiences.
  • The Commission shall serve as the resource for evaluating and developing Christian Formation programs.
  • The Commission shall seek representation of formation ministers that represent all ages as well as a balanced lay and clergy representation.

Children’s Formation

Love First The Love First program (and now its own organization, The Love First Project) was started by a husband and wife team – a family therapist and Episcopal priest …

Children’s and Youth Formation

Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina Youth Ministry gives youth in grades 5-12 the opportunity “To Know, Grow, and Sow the Love of Christ” through retreat-style events that seek to …

Young Adults & Campus Ministry

The Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina is committed to forming disciples in all stages of life. Explore some of our offerings for college students and young professionals below. Follow …