Matthew 25 Grants

The Matthew 25 Committee draws its name and vision from the words of our Lord in the Gospel of Matthew 25:40: “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”

The vision of the Matthew 25 Committee is to see every congregation in the diocese planting ministries of compassion and justice; every ministry seeking God’s transformation for the poor and those at risk; and every congregation finding renewal as it reaches out with the love of Christ to the “least” of his family.

The Commission on Mission and International Concerns announces
Matthew 25 Round One 2024 Grant Recipients:

The Church of St. Simon and St. Jude, Irmo
Race and Reconciliation program

Church of the Resurrection, Greenwood
Tutoring program

St. Bartholomew Episcopal Church, North Augusta
Labyrinth Ministry

Round Two Submission Period Now Open

The Committee is now accepting grant applications for the second round of submissions with a due date of October 31. Please contact The Rev. Deacon Mary Jeffers at [email protected] for more information.

Grants and Guidelines

Matthew 25 grants support ministries of compassion and justice; congregations may decide which under category their ministry falls. Compassion ministries work to help hurting people. Justice ministries work to end that which hurts people. Compassion addresses the needs of people and alleviates suffering. Justice works to right wrongs, or for advocacy. Transformation also becomes our own story as we extend ourselves in the love and power of Jesus. Our vision for ministry expects that God will bring revitalization and renewal to our congregations as we become faithful to ministering with “the least, the last, and the lost.” Therefore, Matthew 25 grants are given with a priority on increasing relationships between people in our congregations with poor and at risk people in the communities around us.

Basic Grant Information – Deadline October 31, 2024

  • Due to limited resources through the diocesan Statement of Mission, we recommend that you request no more than $3,000 from Matthew 25.
  • Grants are available to help start or expand compassion and/or justice ministries through convocations and congregations for transformational ministry to poor or at risk people.
  • These are one-time grants, but the ministry should be planned as a long term effort. All proposals should exhibit clear plans to sustain their ministry beyond the grant year.
  • Approval for funding includes a visit from a Matthew 25 representative sometime during the year.
  • Matthew 25 also offers consultant services to assist in the ministry. A consultant may visit with you at your request of the rector, vicar or priest-in-charge.
  • Funds will be sent to individual congregations/convocations selected to receive grants. The funds are intended to mobilize congregations toward servant ministry and are not intended for individuals, other not-for-profit organizations, or agencies.
  • Congregations or Convocations that receive grants will receive a report form that is to be completed and returned to the Diocesan office. These reports are critical for evaluation.
  • Grant applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria: a full description of the proposed ministry and complete contact information are provided, involvement of the congregation is specified, a budget is submitted, sustainability is addressed, approval of the vestry/convocation with minutes is attached, and the parish’s Diocesan pledge status will be considered.

If you have any questions, you may contact The Rev. Deacon Mary Jeffers at [email protected].

Please click here for the most recent Matthew 25 Grant application.

Past Awards

Past awards to parishes have gone to fund ministries such as backpack programs, food pantries, music lessons for underpriviledged children, school partnerships, after-school support programs, community gardens, mentoring programs for students and more.