Environmental Stewardship

The Committee on Environmental Stewardship and Justice is committed to providing information and resources to assist the churches in the Diocese in initiating or continuing programs that reflect care for creation.

There are many ways for churches to get involved, from faith and education efforts to advocacy projects focusing on environmental issues. The committee seeks to encourage and support awareness of our responsibility to think as stewards of creation and to realize that mission through ministry, outreach, education, community relations, and environmental advocacy.

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Committee on Environmental Stewardship and Justice Newsletter Archive


October: Introduction
November: Church of the Ascension’s Community Garden
December: Energy and Advent


January: Holy Hikes
February: Pollinator Gardens
March: A Different Kind of Lent
April: Windows on Creation
May: St. John’s Biblical Garden
June: Good News Gardens
July: Cool Congregations
August: Justice and the Environment
September: Climate Issue: The Plight of the Oceans
October: Seed Season: Grant Opportunities
November: Annotated Bibliography of Environmental Books


December/January: Legislative Issues
February: Earth Day Kits, Matthew 25 grants, heart-shaped nature
April: Earth Day, Earth Week, Earth Month
May: Rogation Days
July: St. George’s Community Garden, grants, laudato si workshop, COP26 registration
August: Season of Creation, The Elephant in the Room
November: COP26 report by Addie Tapp, EDUSC delegate
December: COP26 report by Addie Tapp, EDUSC delegate


January: To-Do List of Environmental Actions
March: Greening Your Kitchen, Giving up Plastic for Lent
April: Trees Upstate – The Critical Importance of Trees
July: Report on General Convention Resolutions on Care of Creation

In 2019, the committee hosted a “Let’s Talk Climate” workshop with The Nature Conservancy. Below are videos from the workshop, as well as links to the resources mentioned.

Let’s Talk Climate booklet
Climate Change In The American Mind study

Below are additional links to useful information in teaching about, planning for, or implementing efforts around environmental stewardship.


Episcopal Ecological Network
Zero Waste Church
Catawba College Center for the Environment
Wofford College Goodall Environmental Studies Center
Sewanee Center for Religion and Environment
Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale
Master’s Degree in Religion and Ecology


Creation Care in The Episcopal Church
Interfaith Power and Light
Theology and Liturgy: Creation Care Task Force
Province IV of the Episcopal Church Environmental Ministries


Upstate Forever
Coastal Conservation League
Conservation Voters of South Carolina
Episcopal Public Policy Network
South Carolina Environmental Law Project
Southern Environmental Law Center
South Carolina Wildlife Federation

Plant, Pray, Proclaim: Good News Gardens

Along with, and often because of, the issues facing our communities today, there is an immediate and widespread problem with the food supply. Sometimes it’s a supply chain glitch, sometimes …

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