Campus Ministry

The Diocese of Upper South Carolina offers campus ministries at Clemson University, Converse College, Furman University, Presbyterian College, University of South Carolina, USC-Spartanburg, Winthrop University, and Wofford College. For more information about any of these ministries, please contact Katelyn Kenney. Meeting times listed below are subject to change, so it’s best to contact the ministry leaders directly for up-to-date times.
Connect a Student to Canterbury
Do you know of a student attending Clemson, Converse, Furman, Presbyterian, USC, USC-Spartanburg, Winthrop or Wofford? Let us know by completing our Campus Ministry Connection form. This information will be forwarded to campus peer ministers who will personally contact each student and invite them to the Canterbury events on the campus.
Looking out of state? Visit the Episcopal Asset Map to find a ministry near you!
Campus Ministry Communities:
Canterbury of Clemson
Canterbury of Clemson– facebook
Canterbury of Clemson– instagram
Meeting time: TBD
For more information, please contact either Peer Minister Scotty Timms or Campus Missioner the Rev. Suz Cate.
Canterbury of Columbia
Canterbury of Columbia– facebook
Canterbury of Columbia– instagram
Meeting time: Thursdays 6:30pm at the Diocesan House.
For more information, please contact either of the Peer Ministers, Nick Hill or Grace Till, or Campus Missioner the Rev. Jimmy Hartley.
Canterbury of Furman
Canterbury of FU– facebook
Canterbury of Furman– instagram
Meeting time: Every Thursday at 7pm in the Furman Chapel meeting room.
For more information, please contact Peer Minister Sara Powell or Campus Missioner the Rev. Kellan Day.
Canterbury of Spartanburg (Converse, USC-Spartanburg, and Wofford)
Canterbury of Spartanburg
Meeting time: Mondays at 8pm in Shipp Lounge at Wofford.
For more information, please contact either of the Peer Ministers, Hannah Wells or Nan Davenport.
Canterbury of Presbyterian College (in partnership with Ukirk PC)
For more information, please contact Rev. Racquel Gill, Office of Religious Life and Community Engagement.
More information coming soon.
Do you know a young adult who is enrolled at The College of Charleston, The Citadel, or The Medical University of South Carolina? The Episcopal Church in South Carolina, with the support and resources of Grace Church Cathedral in Charleston, offers campus ministries at these schools. You’re invited to submit the student’s contact information using the form found here. For more information please contact the Rev. Rob Donehue at 843-732-2704. Rob+ is the sub-dean at Grace Church Cathedral.
Charleston Area
Coastal Carolina University
For more information, please contact the Rev. Kevin Sparrow, Rector at St. Anne’s, Conway.
Voorhees College
For more information, please contact the Rev. Marie-Carmel Chery, Dean of Chapel & Spiritual Engagement.
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