Research and Statistics
Congregational Data
Beginning in January 2020, congregational and diocesan leaders in The Episcopal Church will have access to a new online resource for understanding history and visioning the future with the data collected through the Parochial Report. The General Convention Office has contracted with Datastory Consulting to create a web-based, interactive tool to map data. Datastory will be a familiar organization and tool to those in The Episcopal Church who have worked with New Episcopal Communities or with FaithX Consulting.
Below you will find that you can locate a congregation by selecting from the filters on the left or by typing an address as well as simply zooming into the area you wish to view on the actual map itself. After clicking the congregation, a small box will appear showing quick stats and links to explore trends with Parochial Report data and Explore Neighborhood with demographic data.
“Explore Trends” tracks membership, participation, and giving over the most recently available eleven years for your congregation and your diocese. These data are from annual Parochial Reports.
“Explore Neighborhood” gives you a demographic overview of the area within a 15 minute driving distance of your congregation’s physical location.
Feel free to explore the data available at your fingertips and let us know if you have any questions.
Sociological Research