Congregational Resources
We hope in this space to begin a larger conversation about the spirituality of stewardship and the ways it forms us as disciples of Christ. At the same time we …
Pastoral Care Resources
But God has so arranged the body, giving the greater honor to the inferior member, that there may be no dissension within the body, but the members may have the …
Revised Alcohol Policy
THE EPISCOPAL DIOCESE OF UPPER SOUTH CAROLINA The Rev. Canon Stephen J. Rhoades Canon to the Ordinary MEMORANDUM To: All Clergy and Senior Wardens Date: February 6, 2023 Re: Revised …
Strategic Visioning
Strategic visioning can be transformational for a congregation. The process typically begins with an acknowledgment of where we are and setting a goal of where we want to be. What …
Reporting Clergy Misconduct
The General Convention of the Episcopal Church in 2009 revised the canons known as Title IV to make clergy discipline first and foremost a process of discernment, mediation and pastoral …
Safe Church Training
As Christians, we live in a covenant relationship with God and with one another. Through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, we enter into a sacred covenant in which we pledge …
Lay Ministry Licensure
The Diocese of Upper South Carolina offers several trainings lay persons can take to strengthen their ministry in their communities, including worship leader training, Eucharistic minster training, and Eucharistic visitor …
U.S. Congregational Vitality Survey
A great way to evaluate the progress of your congregation is to complete the U.S. Congregational Vitality Survey. Repeating the survey every three or four years is recommended so you …
RenewalWorks is a catalyst for refocusing parishes (and the individuals in them) on spiritual vitality. It has been tailored to the Episcopal tradition, adapting 10 years of research that has …
Research and Statistics
Congregational Data Beginning in January 2020, congregational and diocesan leaders in The Episcopal Church will have access to a new online resource for understanding history and visioning the future with …