Zoom webinar tips for Diocesan Convention

We will be using a Zoom webinar as the platform for the 98th Diocesan Convention. While we’re grateful that technology allows us to continue gathering during a pandemic, we understand that new technologies bring with it additional concerns and questions.

The guide below is designed to help answer basic questions about registering for, logging on to, and participating in the Diocesan Convention webinar.

Joining a webinar (attendee)

Every delegate is responsible for his or her audio and Internet connections; no action shall be invalidated on the grounds that the loss of, or poor quality of, a member’s individual connection prevented participation in the meeting. Exercising the right of voice and vote will require an internet connection, therefore mere audio connection through telephone will not suffice.Prerequisites

  • Zoom Desktop Client or Mobile App
  • You will not be able to join the Diocesan Convention webinar by phone call
    • However, you can use the Zoom app on a smartphone

Joining a webinar by invitation link

To join the webinar, click the link that the host provided you or that you received in the confirmation page after you registered. If the host sent a registration confirmation email, the link can also be found there.

Manually joining a webinar

  1. Locate the 9-digit meeting ID/webinar ID from your registration email. It may appear at the end of the phone dial-in information, or it will be in the join link, just after https://zoom.us/w/
  2. Sign in to the Zoom Desktop Client or Mobile App.
  3. Click or tap Join a Meeting.
  4. Enter the 9-digit webinar ID, and click Join or tap Join Meeting.
  5. If prompted, enter your name/congregation(example: Alan Bentrup – St. Swithuns, Columbia) and email address., then click Join Webinar or tap Join.
  6. You may be prompted to enter the Meeting Passcode. This will be provided to you in your convention email.

Waiting for the host to start the webinar

If the host hasn’t started broadcasting the webinar or is preparing using a practice session, you’ll receive the following message: If you receive a message showing the date and time of the webinar, check the the date and start time of the webinar including the timezone. Make sure to join when the webinar starts.

Participating in a webinar (via computer)

Audio Settings (only visible if the host hasn’t granted you permission to talk): Change your audio settings. You can also click the upward arrow (^) next to change your speaker. Chat: Open in-meeting chat, allowing you to send a message to the host and panelists (if permitted). A member who intends to make a motion or request which may properly interrupt a speaker shall use the Zoom Chat feature for so indicating, and shall thereafter wait a reasonable time for the President’s instructions before attempting to interrupt the speaker by voice
Raise Hand: Raise your hand in the webinar to indicate that you need something from the host. The host may instruct you on how they plan to use this. Many webinar hosts use this feature to know if an attendee has a question and would like to speak out loud. To seek recognition by the Bishop, a member shall use the Webinar “raise hand” request and await recognition
Unmute/Mute: If the host gives you permission, you can unmute and talk during the webinar. All participants will be able to hear you. If the host allows you to talk, you will receive a notification.
Note: You can still access the audio settings by click on the ^ arrow next to the Unmute/Mute button. Leave meeting: Click Leave meeting to leave the webinar at any time. If you leave, you can rejoin if the webinar is still in progress, as long as the host has not locked the webinar.

Raising your hand in a webinar (computer)

The raise hand feature in webinar allows attendees to raise their hand to indicate that they need something from the host or panelists. For example, many webinar hosts use this feature to know if an attendee has a question and would like to be unmuted to speak.

  1. Click Raise Hand in the Webinar Controls.
  2. The host will be notified that you’ve raised your hand. If the host allows you to talk, you may be prompted to unmute yourself. While unmuted, your profile picture and name is displayed to the host and panelists. Only your name is displayed to other attendees.
  3. Click Lower Hand to lower it when you are finished. This will not mute yourself if you are unmuted.
  • Windows: You can also use the Alt+Y keyboard shortcut to raise or lower your hand.
  • Mac: You can also use the Option+Y keyboard shortcut to raise or lower your hand.

Using the chat feature in a webinar (computer)

As an attendee in the webinar, you can chat with panelists (including the host), depending on what chat permissions the webinar host has allowed.

  1. In your controls at the bottom window, click or tap Chat .
  2. When you click on chat, the chat window will appear. It will be on the right if you are not in full screen. If you are in full screen, it will appear in a window that you can move around your screen.
  3. Type your message and press Enter to send it.
    • You can also select who you would like to send the message to by clicking on the drop down next to To.
    • When you receive a chat message, you will receive a notification at the bottom of your screen if you do not currently have the chat window open.
    • If the host has disabled Attendee chat, you will still be able to view messages sent by the host and other panelists.

Participating in a webinar (via tablet or smartphone)

Joining Webinar To join the webinar, click the link that the host provided you or that you received in the confirmation page after you registered. If the host sent a registration confirmation email, the link can also be found there. If prompted, enter your name/congregation(example: Alan Bentrup (St. Swithuns, Columbia) and email address, then click Join Webinar or tap Join. You may be asked to enter a Meeting ID, which will be provided in your convention email.

Raising Your Hand in a Webinar (tablet or phone) The raise hand feature in webinar allows attendees to raise their hand to indicate that they need something from the host or panelists. For example, many webinar hosts use this feature to know if an attendee has a question and would like to be unmuted to speak.
  1. Click Raise Hand in the Webinar Controls.
  2. The host will be notified that you’ve raised your hand. If the host allows you to talk, you may be prompted to unmute yourself. While unmuted, your profile picture and name is displayed to the host and panelists. Only your name is displayed to other attendees.
  3. Click Lower Hand to lower it when you are finished. This will not mute yourself if you are unmuted.

Using the Chat Feature in a Webinar (tablet or phone)
As an attendee in the webinar, you can chat with panelists (including the host), depending on what chat permissions the webinar host has allowed.
  1. In your controls at the bottom window, click or tap Chat .
  2. When you click on chat, the chat window will appear.