Middle School Converge 2019 Reflection

Hi, my name is Sam Nixon, and I was the youth coordinator for the Middle School Converge overnight retreat. Me and twelve other design team members worked to make this a great retreat. It started on Saturday evening. We ate dinner and played some games. After that, we read the scripture for the weekend, which was Luke 18:9-14 (the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector). Next, we made paper bag puppets and gave them names and a back story. The small groups shared their paper bags with the everyone.

After that, we went over the scripture for the weekend. The part we focused on was the last verse: “Whoever exalts themselves will be humbled, and whoever humbles themselves will be exalted”. We finished the night with Compline, where we made a puzzle prayer. A puzzle prayer is where you write a prayer or a picture on a puzzle piece, and then we put it together to make the puzzle. The next day, we woke up and did some energizers, which are dances to help wake us up. Then we watched a video on 20 things to say every day. Lastly, we went to church together. We did so many fun things and had so much fun!

For more photos, click here. Courtesy of Tina Boyd.

Video courtesy of Zac Blankenship.