High School Connect Reflection

On February 6th, the Diocesan Youth Leadership Committee hosted the Connect virtual event for high school youth in lieu of the SMASH! Retreat usually held. The scripture we focused on was Isaiah 40:21-31. The event started out with a DYLC introduction and moved on to fun icebreakers where we were all placed into various breakout rooms to answer some enticing get-to-know-you questions! After the icebreaker, we presented a short introduction into the book of Isaiah and read the passage we chose to focus on.

“Those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles”

Sam led us through a meditation so we could all reflect on what the verse said. We then went into small groups to further discuss our meditation and how we can take what we learned into our everyday lives. Finally, the event ended with worship. Although virtual, we were able to sing some songs and praise the Lord.

Despite the hardships faced this year, it was overall a very well executed and led retreat. It was a great way for the youth through the diocese to see each other again, as it had been a while since a widespread youth event had been held.
On a more executive note, the transitions virtually were flawless and the design team put a lot of effort into ensuring the retreat went well, even if it was only for two hours. The planning process was extensive but fun for the youth, and it all paid off in the end. Moreover, worship online can be hard during these times, however, it also went well, and I believe that all participants were thankful for their time spent that evening