Happening #84 Reflection

Hello, my name is Caroline Griffin, and I was the Rector for Happening #84! Happening has always been such a special event for me, so being able to lead this weekend after a very hard and confusing year, was the biggest honor. I can’t lie and say that it was the easiest thing. The Steering Committee and I had to revamp pretty much the entire weekend because of all the COVID restrictions. Happening was modified and tweaked this year to make it work on the camp side of Gravatt! There were some challenges and obstacles to overcome in planning, but after being able to experience the weekend and just watch everything unfold was amazing. Being able to come together after being apart for so long, and welcoming new people into the Happening Community was the biggest reward that God could have ever given! Not only did this weekend teach me patience, but it truly brought attention to the meaning of the saying, “God has a plan.” He knew that all of the staff and candidates were exactly where they were supposed to be when he placed us together for Happening #84. Thank you to all the staff, clergy, and candidates who made this weekend one that I will never forget. Thanks be to God.