EDUSC Announces World Missions Symposium, March 29

Join us for the 2025 World Missions Symposium, recognizing and honoring our 40+ years of partnership with the Central Plateau of Haiti as well as our 25+ years’ work in Ecuador and Les Cayes in southwest Haiti. Come learn about the vital projects currently underway with our diocese in partnership with other domestic and international groups.
Especially invited are those who have been to Haiti or Ecuador on mission trips, and those interested in learning more about the mission work. Speakers will include our longtime partners and friends from Haiti and Ecuador, students from Clemson University, and others around EDUSC.
“It’s exciting to get together each year to celebrate our partnerships and talk about plans for the future,” said Dr. Harry Morse, a long-time participant in the program. “The symposium is a progress report of sorts for the diocese, but it’s also the place where conversations happen that spark new dreams and direction.”
Attendees will enjoy conversation, presentations, and fellowship. Included in the $20 cost of registration are a light breakfast, lunch, and snacks.
Quick Info
Saturday, March 29
9:00 AM – 2:30 PM
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
1100 Sumter Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Cost: $20
Please contact Elizabeth Wolfe at [email protected] if you have any questions.