Christ Church Greenville Receives $25,000 Calvin Institute Grant for Children’s Worship Curriculum
Funds awarded will support continued development and program solvency
In August of 2024, Christ Church Episcopal received a $25,000 Calvin Institute grant to continue to develop and solidify Children’s Sabbath, their in-house, bespoke worship education program designed for preschool through 5th grade children. Through education and practical application, this program draws children in learn liturgy in fun and unexpected ways as well as sees them take a primary role in a principle worship service approximately 5 times-per-year.
In early 2021, the Liturgy & Music staff at Christ Church Greenville began to have discussions with interested parents and children around their own desires and needs about how they worship and learn about, “church.” After positive and constructive feedback, the Liturgy & Music team began discussion and work with the formation staff to build a program where children explore special liturgical topics over a 5 to 6-week period and then actively participate in and lead a Sunday worship service. Children provide the musical offerings, read lessons, lead prayers of the people, and provide decorations for the service.
Since inception in 2021, students have explored different methods of prayer, learned to use The Book of Common Prayer and The Hymnal 1982, engaged in games to learn the order of services during Holy Week, baked and ate pretzels and communion bread and made stained glass windows and planted paperwhites to learn about the liturgical calendar. They’ve met musicians, acolytes, vergers, altar guild and flower guild members and have explored Christ Church’s worship spaces. Most importantly, they’ve learned to sing the praises of God and to love coming to and being a part of Christ Church Greenville.
During the yearlong grant period, staff will solidify the educational, theological and artistic elements of this program; work to expand this program within our parish and community to engage more children and families; and begin to share this program with and solicit feedback from Episcopal and non-Episcopal churches across the country with the goal of creating a physical or digital piece that outlines this model that may be used in other congregations.
Christ Church rector, The Rev. Dr. Harrison McLeod said, “I’m so happy the wider church recognized the value of our staff’s creative and committed ministry. I look forward to seeing how they will use the grant for the benefit of our kids. I’m so proud of Donald, Sarah, our volunteers and the Children’s Sabbath team.”
The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, based in Michigan, awarded grants to 48 recipients throughout the United States and Canada to stimulate thoughtful, innovative work aimed at strengthening Christian worship practices and preaching. The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship is an interdisciplinary study and ministry center that promotes the scholarly study of the theology, history and practice of Christian worship and the renewal of worship in worshiping communities across North America and beyond.