Call to Convention 2021

Dear Clergy and Delegates to Convention,

With prayers of thanksgiving for our bishop, clergy (active and retired), parishes and missions, it gives me great pleasure to offer the official “Call for a Special Convention for The Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina,” for the purpose of electing the 9th Bishop of the Diocese.

In accordance with Article II of the Constitution of the Diocese and Title I, Canon 2, Section 2 of the Canons, notice is hereby given for convening at 10 a.m. on September 25, 2021, at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Columbia, South Carolina. All clergy canonically resident in EDUSC as of August 26, 2021, are eligible to vote in this election, as are lay delegates certified for the 99th Annual Convention that convenes November 6, 2021. Registration will take place in Satterlee Hall beginning at 8:30 a.m. and should be completed by 9:30 a.m.

Your attendance at the Special Convention is very important. In an election for a bishop, the Canons of the Diocese require the attendance of lay delegates from at least two-thirds of parishes and missions in the diocese and attendance of at least two-thirds of the clergy canonically resident in the Diocese to conduct business. Retired clergy who continue to be canonically resident in the Diocese are included in this requirement. If we do not meet these lay and clergy attendance requirements at the Special Convention, we cannot elect a bishop.

Please submit changes in delegates or alternates no later than August 26, 2021, using the enclosed form, and follow instructions for its completion and return. Forms also are posted on-line at To expedite future communications, it is important that you provide all requested contact information, if available.

Additional information will be provided at a later date but please mark your calendars now for the 25th of September, as we prayerfully consider our candidates to the episcopacy. I do respectfully request that you keep all our candidates, their families, their current parishes, our bishop, and the people of our diocese in your prayers. May the Holy Spirit guide us. I look forward to being with you for this vitally important occasion.


Norah Grimball