Call to Convention 2020

The 98th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina will take place on November 6-7, 2020, at Heathwood Hall Episcopal School in Columbia, South Carolina.

Dear Clergy of the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina,

With prayers of thanksgiving for our bishop, clergy (active and retired), parishes and missions, it gives me great pleasure to offer the official “Call to Convention for the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina.”

In accordance with Title I: Canon 3.1a of the Canons of the Diocese, notice is hereby given:

The 98th Annual Convention of the Diocese will take place on November 6-7, 2020 at Heathwood Hall Episcopal School, Columbia, South Carolina, hosted by the headmaster and school community.

The following forms must be completed for the Certification of Delegates and Alternates.

Certification of Delegates

Certification of Alternates

Change of Alternate to Delegate Forms

Please complete the forms, print, sign and return them either by scanning/emailing or by mail.

To expedite future communications, it is important that you provide all requested contact information. Please note that there is a separate form for certifying alternates. All certification forms are to be returned to the Secretary of Convention either by email, fax or mailing original forms no later than May 6, 2020. Due to COVID-19, hotel information is not available at this time. Stay tuned for more on that topic.

PLEASE NOTE that Certification Forms should be submitted to the email address: [email protected]

Please feel free to contact me if I can be of assistance. I look forward to being with you for the 98th Diocesan Convention.

Your sister in Christ,

Dr. Norah Grimball
Secretary to Convention

[email protected]