Bishop Richards calls a Director of Communications and Marketing

Bishop Daniel Richards is pleased to announce that he has called Ms. Jessica St. Clair Smith to serve as Director of Communications and Marketing for the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina.
Ms. Smith is a marketing and communications professional with over a decade of experience in the for-profit and non-profit sectors. For the past five-and-a-half years she has been the Director of Strategic Marketing and Communications at Christ Church Episcopal, Greenville, SC. Her work included graphic design, photography, website maintenance, social media, promotions work with charitable partners and local media, and implementation of a live stream program.
Her prior work experience includes Lead Videographer/Photographer with SHiFT Industrial Marketing, freelance videography, and work as a Relationship Development Leader with Your Marketing Co. creating soup-to-nuts marketing campaigns for the credit union industry. Community project marketing work includes the Reedy River Duck Derby and the Rotary Club of the Reedy River Greenville.
Ms. Smith holds an M.S. in Advertising from Boston University and a B.A. in Communications from Lenoir-Rhyne University in Hickory, NC. A cradle Episcopalian, Ms. Smith is married to Adrian Smith and they have two daughters. The Smith family are active members at Christ Church Episcopal.
Ms. Smith will join Diocesan House staff on July 15.