A Thanksgiving Greeting from Bishop Waldo

Grace and Peace to you in Christ Jesus!
As families gather for Thanksgiving celebrations, I’m taken back to an old family ditty that we’ve been singing for we think, as a family, for almost 150 years. Its words are simple:
Happy greetings to all!
Happy greetings to all!
Happy greetings!
Happy greetings!
Happy greetings to everybody!
I tell you about that simply because we sometimes gather in two or three or even as many as thirty family members on my mother’s side and it’s been a time of joy and gratitude for the relationships we have with each other. So wherever two or three, or even twenty or thirty are gathered, we sing this song. And, of course, our Lord calls us to gather each Sunday – whether we’re two or three, twenty or thirty, two hundred or three hundred – to give thanks, to praise God for the many blessings of this life. Know that over the coming week, I’ll be praying for all of you who are gathering and giving thanks for the blessings in your life, and for the great gift of Jesus Christ who’s come among us.
Happy Thanksgivings! Happy greetings to everybody!